Free April Desktop Calendar | Frostings Book!

I’m in complete denial that it’s almost APRIL! Where in the world did the first 1/4 of 2013 go? I am looking forward to warmer weather (it’s currently snowing in Nashville, what the what!). A new month means a new sneak peek picture of my 3rd book – Frostings – which will release this summer.

**Tossing Confetti**

Free April Desktop Calendar 2013

Kyle Dreier + I chose this picture because it reminded us of the warmer weather and spring!
Visit the Frostings Book site + download your freebie.

“Courtney’s inventive combination of cake, frosting, and a few yummy odds and ends is the most fresh and accessible take on the subject I’ve seen in a while. As a professional pastry chef, I know her recipes and techniques will make any baker, at home or in a pro kitchen, feel like a true dessert rock star.”
– Duff Goldman, Chef/Owner, Charm City Cakes

Here is a closer version (not responsible for the urge to lick your monitor).

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Courtney’s Latest book

Get Your Copy!

In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.


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