A Royal Spa Party for Princess Charlee’s 5th Birthday

Those of us with birthdays so close to the Holidays have a general understanding of somewhat understated birthday celebrations, but for this little princess (and a personal favorite of mine), Charlee’s Royal Spa Party was nothing less than extraordinary.  Eden Day Spa hosted a pampering soiree for Princess Charlee and her royal companions.  Adorable personal (and handmade) details were definitely not forgotten along with scrumptious sweet treats and a towering ruffle cake by Cullinan Cakes.  Working with a planned party service can take the pressure off of planning a birthday celebration, but handmade details can still add a very personal touch (and a little fancy, too).

No princess is complete without her crown and a magic wand! Cullinan Cakes provided the yummy crown-shaped cookies, while Queen Lindy (aka Charlee’s Mommy) made these DELICIOUS marshmallow wands.  “5” wands were all the rage and added a fun prop for photo ops.


  • Campfire Jumbo Roaster Marshmallows
  • Pink Candy Melts
  • Bamboo Skewers
  • Silver Sprinkles
  • Thin Pink Ribbon
  • Small Treat Bags

Melt pink candy melts in a chocolate melter or in a microwave-safe dish per instructions on packaging.  Dip end of marshmallow in melted candy and sprinkle with silver sprinkles.  Place on a cookie sheet to dry.  Once dry, insert end of skewer into bottom of coated marshmallow.  Cover with treat bag and tie with ribbon.


  • Number Stencil – ex. 5 (a cutting machine such as Cricut or Silhouette can also be used)
  • Cardstock
  • Bamboo Skewers

Trace 5s on cardstock and cut out.  Adhere to skewers with tape or other bonding material.


Mani-s were a big hit with the Royal Court.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall whose the fairest of them all?”  A framed mirror and a few dry erase markers provided endless fun for the little princesses as they awaited their royal mani.

Placecards were simply made in Microsoft Word by using the “Precious” font found on www.fontspace.com and printing the labels onto pink cardstock found at a local craft store.  This font was also used for signage for the gift and favor table.

Handmade party hats are a simple way to add another personal touch.  Print the template for the cone party hat and trace onto your paper of choice.  Adhere the ends together with Tacky Glue and add ribbon.

A towering ruflle cake by Cullinan Cakes rounded out Char’s perfect royal birthday.  Happy birthday, Princess Charlee!!!!

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Courtney’s Latest book

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In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.


  1. Oh my, this is the cutest party for little princesses I have ever seen. SO CUTE! Living with a 6yo who loves anything pink, this might come handy for her next birthday. Lovely lovely lovely. Thanks for sharing all the tips!!

  2. My daughter is a New Year’s Eve baby so I know all too well about making a big celebration during the holidays. Charlee’s party looks so cute. I love the “5” wands.

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