A Tasty Halloween from One Charming Party
Hi everyone! Brittany from One Charming Party here. Halloween is a perfect time for parties, and we especially love to simplify prep time by using decorations for double duty. Today I’m going to share some of our favorite Halloween party decorations — which also double as tasty treats!
For our Halloween School Party last year, we created this festive food station. It provides a great centerpiece for a party, and turns into a great snack area for hungry kiddos!
This year, we changed up our Halloween party plans and came up with a more sophisticated donut tree. Click over to One Charming Party for the full tutorial — your Halloween party guests will go wild for these edible decorations.
What are your favorite Halloween decorations? Let us know in the comments — and you’ll get a gold star if you name something tasty!
Photography by Nicole Hill Gerulat
the owl cupcakes! SOOOO AORABLE!