Meet the Little Prince Baby Shower!!

Green and Blue Party Decorations
We thought we’d shake things up since we have been sharing lots of girly inspiration around here lately with this cute LITTLE PRINCE BABY SHOWER! Alexis Campbell was thrilled when her dear friend asked her to design a dessert table for the arrival of her new baby boy. She matched the fabric and paper with the plates and napkins. The different tones of blue and green were perfect for this party.

Alexis worked with Kori of Paper & Pigtails to design the perfect party printables to match the theme. WE are so excited that we’ve been working with Kori on printables for a certain project too! Stay tuned for an announcement about it!

Alexis treated guests to an array of delicious little bites like Oreo truffles, chocolate + vanilla cupcakes, mini strawberry shortcakes, and chocolate covered Oreos! Yum! That’s a party we want to go to!

blue and green dessert table partyblue and green dessert table party 2blue and green dessert table party 3
“The party was a beautiful celebration of a beautiful new baby boy. My friend loved the table and I loved doing it for her.” – Alexis Campbell
blue and green dessert table party 4blue and green party backdropblue and green party backdrop 2
CREDITS: Table Design/Sweets-Alexis Campbell | Printables: Paper & Pigtails | Photography: Rebecca Leimbach

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In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.


  1. WOWOWOWOWOW! This looks absolutely amazing! I got so much inspiration from it, thank you for sharing it. While I don’t know anyone having a baby right now, this could easily be used for a boy (which I do have!). Can’t wait to get started :O)

  2. Cassandra says:

    Simply stunning, love every aspect of this layout!

  3. Alexis Campbell says:

    Thank you ladies!! I loved the colors and enjoyed doing it so much. I have two boys and planning on using this again =)

  4. This is GORGEOUS and very creative. What did you use to create the backdrop?

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