Fa”BOO”lous Purple Halloween Birthday Party

FabBOOlous Halloween Soiree Photos & Inspiration!

It’s October, y’all. October! I can’t believe the night of tricks and treats is under a month away! In case you’re needing a little Fa”BOO”lous inspiration for your Halloween soiree or a Halloween Birthday Party, we’ve got you covered! Misha of A Lovely Design is here to share all of the darling details from her daughters 2nd birthday party! If you’ve got to have your birthday near a holiday, why not Halloween? Think of all the extra candy! Read on as Misha dishes on all the party details!

This was such a fabulously fun party to design and execute!  What little girl wouldn’t LOVE to celebrate her Halloween birthday Fab-BOO-lously? Since Miss Talula’s birthday is at the end of October, Talula’s Fab-BOO-lous Halloween Soiree, seemed like the perfect theme! My inspiration for this party came from the darling purple and black corset and tutu outfit I got from Tutucuts.  I paired it with the most adorable mini witch hat hair accessory that I got from The Pink Daisy Boutique on Etsy! I then designed the gorgeous invitation and party printables around the oufit staying with the color scheme of dark purple, lavender, black lace and a hint of turquoise.

I had so much fun designing and decorating this fabulous party.  I started with a lovely purple ruffled fabric I found at JoAnn Fabrics.  I used it for the back drop, layering it with purple, black and grey tissue poms, little black lace swags and a family of bats! For the focal point, I placed a lovely scrolly white frame with “Miss Talula’s FabBOOlous Soiree” poster placed in the middle. The dessert table was layered with white, purple and a sheer spider web tablecloths.  The fabulous desserts were placed on different sized white cake plates and stands. I thoroughly  enjoyed making all the lovely desserts.

Fa”BOO”lous Soiree MENU:

Meringue Ghosts
Witch’s Stew (parfait)
Franken Puffs
Boo Bones
Witch’s Feet Treat Cupcakes

Miss Talula and her little guests got to enjoy their treats under a festive little table just their size!  I hung a gorgeous black cardboard chandelier and a whole bunch of tissue poms above the beautifully decorated little table. We played fun little Halloween games and danced to the monster mash!  Talula had the best time at her Fab-BOO-lous Birthday Soiree! I hope you find a little inspiration to use for your next Halloween bash!

We are just in love with a purple Halloween party, a purple Halloween BIRTHDAY party at that! Move over orange, purple is the new black. We hope you’re inspired to throw your own Fa”BOO”lous Halloween Soiree! We sure are!
CREDITS & RESOURCES: Photography, invitations and printables, desserts, and party design:  A Lovely Design

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In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.


  1. How many yards of fabric for the beautiful backdrop?

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