Wine Bottle Centerpiece + Hostess Gift Ideas

CHEERS! I’m typing away from the most gorgeous vineyard in Napa! I’m partnering with Sterling Wines this fall, and I’m so excited to share some fun opportunities for you to get in on the action too so stay tuned. Meanwhile, since wine is the theme for any Napa trip, I thought I’d share some fun + creative wine centerpiece idea plus some creative gifts for the wine lovers in your life. 

Put a “cork” in confusing seat arrangements. Wine corks make fabulous place cards for wine parties or any type of dinner party! Try getting a little crafty and make your own or purchase them from uncommon goods.

wine cork place holders

Wine Bottle Centerpieces: It doesn’t get much simpler than this! Don’t throw out those old wine bottles. Reuse them in fun + creative ways like holding your favorite flowers in a multi-bottle arrangement for your next dinner party.

Tired of mixing and mingling? Strike up a game like Winerd: The Wine Tasting Game or Wineopoly with your friends as you sip away. This is the perfect hostess gift for your wine-loving friends + family!

Enjoy some free wine printables from my sweet friend Jenn of Hostess With the Mostess!

You can get flower by post UK to make the most elegant yet simple centerpieces and explore your creative talent by using your own ideas for the display.


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  1. Wine cork name place holders? So crazy simple and so fab! Cannot wait to make these!

  2. How fun! Love the wine bottle centerpiece idea. I saw one the other day where the menu was the ‘label’ of a wine bottle and it was so cute!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing a great information. I appreciate your time and effort in your work. Keep posting.

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