Baby Update: Christmas Gender Reveal!

Courtney Whitmore

PAUSING the Party Ideas for a Pregnancy UPDATE!
I can’t believe I’m halfway through my pregnancy (21 weeks and due date still May 3rd)! Time for another update. We now have a GENDER! Yay!

How Have I Been Feeling: Great! Now that I’m in my 2nd trimester, I’m feeling like a human again. I was very sick throughout my 1st trimester. I could barely even get out. Now, things are different! My husband and I went on a little vacation together too!

Other Symptoms: The symptoms I’m having now are mild compared to the 1st trimester. Nonetheless, I’m having a bit of back pain in the evenings (only in one little location so it’s not too bad). Besides that, I really can’t say there is much else going on! I’m feeling little baby kicks that I LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Size of Baby: An 11-inch butternut squash! About 1 pound.

Cravings: Still not into sweets! Really crave savory foods.

Gender: Chris and I had a friend wrap up our gender envelope with either pink or blue tissue paper, and we placed it under the tree for Christmas morning! I truly have to tell you that I thought it was a boy. Pretty much 95% of people in my life thought it was a boy. I even bought a few blue items the week before Christmas (kept the receipts though)! We had a boy name picked out (nothing for a girl). I was POSITIVE. To the point that I was a little sad that we were doing a gender reveal on Christmas morning because I thought it would be pointless since I knew it was a boy. Why? Well, a lot of wives tales, some thing called the Ramzi Theory, gut feeling, nurse guess, etc. Well…..I got the shock of my life!

Baby Pizzazzerie

It’s a GIRL! I can’t even BELIEVE IT! We are so thrilled. Tickled pink would be the perfect way to describe it :)

Here is a trimmed video of the event! My friend and her husband played a little trick on us and the big box was filled with BOTH pink and blue tissue paper. There was a second box which we are discovering when this video starts. Warning, we were all so shocked so turn the volume down!

What I’m Looking Forward To: NURSERY design! My entire Pinterest board was boy nurseries so I have some pinning to do! I’m so excited for a little girl’s nursery and have tons of ideas already. I’m thrilled for all the future birthday parties for a little girl too! And of course – the outfits! Bring on the bows! Have a favorite shop on etsy or online? Leave me a link below! 

Thanks for reading my update! Thank you to everyone who left such sweet instagram and facebook messages on Christmas morning. I read every single one! Thank you!

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  1. I thought baby Pizzaz was a boy, too! CONGRATS & I can’t wait to see what crafty things you come up with!!!

    1. I STILL am in shock! Haha! Thanks for the sweet note!

  2. Larissa P says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Girls are the best. :)

    1. Thank you, Larissa!

    1. Thank you, Latisha!

  3. mireya pizarro says:

    Wow so cute and congrats!

  4. Yolanda Wooten says:

    Congratulations! Here’s to pink and leopard print! Lol.

  5. Congratulations! Monogram Muse offers a lot of monogrammed gifts for little girls!

  6. What a sweet video and surprise for Christmas morning! congratulations to you guys-so much fun!!!

  7. Congratulations! to you both. Have a Happy, Happy New Year!

  8. Alesa, Shawn & Violet Grant says:

    I love that video so much! I’ve just never seen a moment like that. So exciting and heartwarming. I’m guessing this was the best Christmas of your lives (until the baby’s first one next year, right?)!

    Glad you’re feeling well and can now get on with the nursery. So happy for you three and your families!

  9. Congratulations! I have a little granddaughter who was born in September (1st girl in our family in 28 years after 10 boys!) and love the website Many headband ideas, tutus, pettiskirts, etc. :) For my daughter-in-law’s shower, we had a headband making station, which was a lot of fun!

  10. That is awesome. Congrats! When I was pregnant with my daughter I was convinced I was having a boy, I was thrilled with the thoughts of a boy, had the nursery designed in my head and even had bought an airplane to decorate his room with. Then came the gender ultrasound and it was a Girl! I was beyond thrilled and in complete shock…thinking back on it now, I really had hoped for a girl but didnt dare get my hopes of just in case it was a boy (I would have been happy either way). Girls are amazing and there are so many fun and cute things to buy. Enjpy. I cant wait to hear all about your adventures.

  11. Becky Zamora says:

    So sweet!!! The Instagram video made me tear up and then I did again watching this one! Congrats on a baby girl! Can’t wait to see the cute things you come up with and the name!!

  12. Hey Courtney! You know how absolutely thrilled I am for you. And, no, I don’t have an Etsy shop but I’ve painted TONS of little girl nurseries – wall murals, hanging canvases, small pieces, you-name-it. You could have ANYthing you wanted – custom colors, styles, themes, monograms.

    I’d be honored and privileged to create a piece of art for your daughter’s room. (Doesn’t that sound fantastic – “your daughter”) Whee!


  13. Congratulations, Courtney! I just saw the most adorable little girl nurseries on Pinterest today that were a pale pink and flamingo theme. Super cute! I have a few prints in my Etsy shop for nurseries. Have fun decorating!!

  14. Congratulations!! I wish we had done a fun gender reveal like this with our boys; what an amazing memory to share with your child one day. Enjoy the remainder of your pregnancy, we can’t wait to “meet” your little girl!

  15. mireya pizarro says:

    Oh gosh… I went into my blog ready to write a new post and I realized that you have a you tube video. I was so excited just reading it and looking at the pictures and I didn’t even realize their was a video. How cute and so adorable. I am so happy for both of you and can’t wait to see the nursery room and baby shower. I love your blog! It is so amazing.

  16. Congratulations! Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls are made of! :)

  17. I’m rather late in watching this video and seeing this post as I was following you on instagram on Christmas morning :) Seeing this video and your reaction completely brought tears to my eyes. I LOVE it!!!!! Congratulations again and yay for little girls!

  18. Congratulations on a little girl! I love the video and the excitement on your face and how sweet Henry got in on the action! Can’t wait to hear / see more in the coming months! xo

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