Halloween Mini-Cupcake Bouquet

halloween cupcake bouquet

Halloween Mini-Cupcake Bouquet

Who said bouquets had to be made out of flowers? I much prefer this fun edible version made from mini-cupcakes and created especially for Halloween!  This adorable (and delicious!) bouquet is super-easy to make and will work as your dessert and your centerpiece…here’s what you do:

making halloween cupcakes for cupcake bouquet

Step 1- Bake Your Cupcakes

Line your baking tin with some fun cupcake wrappers, I found these spooky bat versions at Target. Using a regular box of cake mix, follow the instructions and cook  at 350 degrees for 10 min (mini cupcakes cook fast so keep an eye on them!) Cool for 15-20 min.

*NOTE: You can also use regular size cupcakes, but I’d suggest using the mini versions instead; they are easier to work with and well, just a whole lot cuter!

vases for making cupcake bouquet for halloween

Step 2- Prepare Your Vase

Use a vase with a round opening about 4-6 inches in diameter and place some matching tissue paper inside for color. Next, pipe a good amount of crazy glue along the rim (work fast, it dries quickly!) then place a large styrofoam ball (I got this one at Walmart) on top and hold for a few seconds to make sure it sticks.

Step 3- Cupcake Time

This is the fun part, icing your cupcakes! I used a can of orange icing that came with four icing tips, much easier than a piping bag, or you can use a regular container and spread the icing with a knife- it’s up to you. Remember, real flowers are not ‘perfect’ so just have fun with the decorating! After your cupcakes are iced, take a skewer and pierce the bottom center of each one slightly and set aside to harden.

Step 4- Build Your Bouquet

Take wooden skewers that have been cut into 3.5 inch pieces and poke them half-way into the styrofoam (one at a time, starting along the bottom) adding the cupcakes on them via the pierced hole you made earlier. Continue all around in layers until the whole sphere is covered in lovely “cupcake blossoms”!

Last Step- Enjoy! :)


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  1. These look delicious!!!! Good idea….

  2. I absolutely love this idea !!! These are adorable !!!

  3. I love this! I tried this on a couple previous occasions and had trouble with the mini cupcakes staying on the skew. Any recommendations?

    1. Hi Alli! Try using a bit of icing on your skewers and then add your cupcakes, it will act like a glue to hold them on better :)

  4. Lstanton212 says:

    Awesome!!…and my favorite color to boot!

  5. Love this, thank ou for sharing : )

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