{Valentine’s Day} Love is in the Air!

Sweet Valentine's Day Party Details! If you know me then you know I’m a total sucker for black and white stripes. So when this Valentine’s Party hit my inbox and I saw that black and white striped cake – I was smitten! Sofia of Bistrot Chic (in Portugal!!) styled up the party for her husband’s birthday which falls near Valentine’s Day. She added in pops of pink but I love the overall “black and red” theme with stripes. The “Love is in the Air” theme is darling and perfect for a romantic birthday party near V-day!

I also love how Sofia served food that guys would love too like these little heart pizzas. Even if you are just looking for a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day at home with your kids, making little heart pizzas is adorable!

Make little heart-shaped pizzas for Valentine's Day!The heart cuteness continues with these little tomato skewers! Two half-tomatoes make a heart. OH I love this idea for balancing out the sweet sugar treats too!

Heart Tomato Skewers for Valentine's Day!

Don’t fret though, there was no shortage of sweets to keep things in check! This cake is stunning and I love the pink frosted roses in the center.

Gorgeous Pink Cake!Here is a picture of the main dessert table. Stunning! The rice paper fans and lanterns add pops of color and texture.

Red & White Striped Valentine's Day Birthday Party!

I hope you found some cute last-minute ideas for Valentine’s Day or an upcoming party you’re hosting! Below are some ideas for recreating this look!

Styling + Printable Paper Goods: Bistrot Chic
Cakes & Food: Bake-4U
Photography: Patraquim Photography

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In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.


    1. Aren’t they cute? I think I might have to make a heart pizza for Valentine’s this year :)

  1. Have been seeing stripes used more often as a design element. Very chic and trendy! And those heart-shaped pizzas look yummy!

  2. OMG, These heart-shaped pizzas are looking delicious and mouth-watering. I want to eat them.

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