Fairytale 1st Birthday!

fairy tale party

fairy tale party banner, hat, baby with cake

fairytale party

fairy tale party cake

Fairytale 1st Birthday

We are just loving fairies at Pizzazzerie lately, you may have seen this other Fairy Birthday last week :) Well, now I am  thrilled to share another incredible Fairytale themed party, created by Shannon Green of Sweet Pea Soirees in celebration of her daughter, Gracyn’s 1st Birthday! From the moment the little guests (dressed as fairies and dragons!) entered the room, they were transported to a whimsical wonderland of flowers and fairytales. Tissue poms hung from the ceiling and the floor was carpeted with florals, making for a beautiful fairy garden!

Adding to the splendor of the affair was the delicious desserts bar featuring Shannon’shomemade blue and purple toadstool cupcakes, magic pretzel wands, and a fairy toadstool house cake-ADORABLE!

All the little fairy and dragon attendees were treated to a fairy caravan puppet show and sent home with felt wand and finger puppet favors to help them always remember this truly ENCHANTING birthday occasion!

Design by Shannon Green, Sweet Pea Soirees
Photography by Jaime Windon, the blonde photographer
Paper Goods by The Polka Dot Pinwheel
Tissue Poms by Pom Love
Fairy and Dragon Puppets by StayAwake
Felt Wands by LookHappy
Table Linens by McIntyre Girl


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In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.


  1. Shannon’s parties look so amazing, I wish I lived nearer to her so that she could deck out my daughter’s parties!

  2. Love the colors!! And those toadstool cupcakes are fabulous!!

  3. This looks amazing! Wonderful job! Colors are fabulous!

  4. Courtney, very cute party! I am in the midst of planning Ashlee’s 2nd bday party in a garden fairy theme! Maybe you will want to post it! LOL! C

  5. Awesome awesome job Shannon! So blown away by all these gorgeous details- that dessert display is amazing!!

  6. My grand daughter will be turning one Feb 21. Not sure what kind of party to have. Any suggestions would be helpful

    1. Hi Christy! Thanks for your comment! The best advice we give people trying to decide what type of party to have is seeing what your granddaughter loves! Does she love a certain dessert or color? Perhaps a cupcake bar or baking party. Maybe a themed party like Alice in Wonderland or Under the Sea. Ask her about her favorite things and go from there!

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