Cherry Lime Freeze Push-Up Pops

Cherry Lime Freeze Push-Up Pops by

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You might remember this little book here, right? Well, I’m sharing one of my favorite recipes I created last year – Cherry Lime Freeze Push-Up Pops! It was featured on the Michael’s Craft Store website. Woo-hoo! It’s perfect for these dog days of summer because it’s ice cold and tasty. Cherry and lime are a dynamic duo and super easy to make. You can combine the flavors together or make a striped version like I did!

Wilton Treat Pops (6)
1 cup tart cherry juice
1 cup lime juice
1 cup sugar, divided
1 cup water, divided

1. In a saucepan over medium-high heat, combine cherry juice, ½ cup sugar, and ½ cup water. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Keep in a separate bowl (with spout if possible – this makes pouring easier).

2. Clean saucepan and add in lime juice, ½ cup sugar, and ½ cup water. Stir over medium-high heat until sugar is dissolved.

3. Pour lime popsicle juice into treat pops until 1/3 full. Place in freezer (upright) and freeze.

4. Pour in cherry popsicle juice into treat pops until 2/3 full. Place back in freezer (upright) and freeze.

5. Fill to top with lime popsicle juice and freeze again.

6. Serve on a warm spring day and enjoy!

– Combine layers of fun fruit juices to make a multi-colored striped pop (lemon for yellow, cherry or strawberry for red, blueberry for blue, lime for green, grape for purple, orange for orange, etc).
– Ice cream is another fun frozen treat for putting in push-up pops. Try a neopolitan (layers of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry).
– Decorate your treat pops with stickers or ribbon!

For more push-up pop ideas, check out my book Push-Up Pops! 

Push-Up Pops by Courtney Dial Whitmore

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  1. I love these pops and know my boys would go crazy for them!

  2. This is a very good article. Thank you for a great information.

  3. This is a very good article. Thank you for a great information.

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