The Happy List 10/16

Pink Sprinkle Macarons
Jenna Rae Cakes

Happy Friday, y’all! It’s been a wild week behind the scenes at Pizzazzerie! Lots of big brand partnerships coming around the corner that I’m SO excited about. Little Blakely is finally on the mend after being sick for-ever! And me? Well, I’ve just been trying to avoid eating all the Halloween candy. I mention it below, but I tried my first Periscope last night only to discover the front  facing microphones on my phone weren’t working. After a super fun 2 hours at the Apple store, I learned that I’m 27 days post-warranty (so they couldn’t do a thing). You should have seen my face. Alas, Verizon is sending a refurbished (can we change that word to something else? like “fabulous again” or something?!) one so that’s good. On to this week’s HAPPY LIST!…

  • Do you remember when I posted this or this on IG? Well, The Mint is shipping now and the team at Silhouette is giving all my readers $10 off with code pizzazzerie. Hooray!
  • Dying over these vintage monograms! She’s pulling a CW for me, and I’m so excited to use it to make some custom fabric for pillows! Stay tuned…
  • Is anyone else on Periscope?! So I’m new to it but it looks like fun, I’m Pizzazzerie there too! Leave your username in comments if you’re on it!
  • HOLY moly on this right here. I mean really. NEED.
  • I’ve been on the hunt for things to keep Blakely busy (that don’t involve breaking cologne on the floor causing me to smell like a man all day cause that also happened this week) and I took a chance with this flower garden toy. She’s obsessed, so if you need a gift idea for a little one – here you go!
  • Picked up the Pumpkin Pie Spice Cookie Butter from Trader Joe’s. Do yourself a favor. Get it. Grab a spoon. Thank me later.

OMG. Pumpkin Pie Spice Cookie Butter

  • Looking for a few new people to follow on Instagram? Here are a few faves lately: @jennaraecakes, @colorlinks, @prissy_pig
  • If you’re looking for a cute and easy gift idea for teachers, neighbors, friends, etc. then make a little “Scare those germs away” tag and tie it on to Halloween hand soap (this one is from Bath & Body Works). See mine below!

Scare Those Germs Away  - Cute Halloween Gift idea for Teachers!

Have a fabulous weekend, friends!

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