The Secret to Hosting an Effortless Brunch

The secret to hosting an effortless yet elegant brunch!

Tips for Hosting Brunch

The number one complaint I get when I share party ideas is “I don’t have time”. Time for party prep, invitations, grocery shopping for party, food/drink prep, decorating, etc.

I’ll admit, it can be a lot to manage! I’m always looking for ways to help you cut time so you can actually entertain but also enjoy it without being a slave to all the elements that go into throwing a party.

It’s hard to run around town to pick up items, especially if you have kids. I have a three year old daughter, and the thought of hauling her to grocery stores to get food and drinks for a last-minute party is sometimes enough for me to call it off.

There are only so many hours in a day, am I right? Enter my favorite new solution and the secret to hosting an effortless brunch…. Shipt!

Host an Easy and Elegant Brunch Party

You might have heard of Shipt, but I tried it for you, and I’m here to tell you, it’s legit. I like things that are easy. If it’s not easy, I won’t do it and I’ll end up driving to the store myself (which takes time and toddler tantrums).

So I tried Shipt out and I’m hooked. There are several grocery stores (depending on where you live) that partner with the service, and I tried out Costco.

The parking lot alone at Costco (especially during the holidays) makes me want to lose my mind so when someone tells me I can have those mini cinnamon rolls (you know which ones I’m talking about) delivered to my door at a time I designate.. is… life-changing.

Host an Easy and Elegant Brunch Party

Once on the Shipt website, I selected Costco, and browsed almost the entire Costco inventory on the website. It was easily divided by department. For a brunch, I selected the essentials; blueberries, raspberries, orange juice, butter croissants, mini cinnamon rolls, waffles, and quiche. That’s really all I needed to host some friends for a beautiful brunch. You can select your own favorites for whatever occasion you are hosting from holiday parties to regular grocery shopping. My life is changed!

P.S. ALSO CHECK OUT: Easy Brunch Potluck Ideas!

After that, I “checked out” and even got a little discount for being a Costco member (which means that you could shop from Costco without having a Costco membership, which is awesome if you’re not a member). I was given a long list of optional delivery times by the hour. I chose an hour I’d be home pre-party.

That night, I picked a few roses and set the table. I added a few trays for the food. All done! At this point, I’m usually making grocery lists, trying to figure out if I have time to get up and get all the food, then shower, then get Blakely to ballet, etc. Instead, I had time to get dressed for brunch and keep the little one on schedule. My Shipt driver texted me when he was leaving Costco with all my items. About 15 minutes later, he dropped it all off, and didn’t miss a single item. And delivery was free. Hands down, if you love to throw parties, this is the best time-saver! You can focus more on getting yourself ready and decorating rather than long check-out lines and traffic.

Host an Easy and Elegant Brunch Party
Host an Easy and Elegant Brunch Party
Host an Easy and Elegant Brunch Party
The secret to hosting an effortless yet elegant brunch!

I mention this a lot but a great set of white dishes is a must-have for using throughout the year. Add in pretty napkins and a table runner, and ta-da! It’s truly that simple. So whether you’re hosting a birthday brunch, simple family brunch, or any sort of other celebration, pair white dishes/servingware with pops of color from linens! And food? You have that covered the “easy way” now, whew!

I truly want to promote products and services I personally use and enjoy. I’ll still occasionally go to a grocery store, but when I’m entertaining or running around crazy during the holidays, I will absolutely be utilizing Shipt! Thank heavens for amazing services like this, especially for busy moms!


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Courtney’s Latest book

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In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.

One Comment

  1. What a great service! I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old, so I feel that same stress of running out to the grocery store last minute. Will definitely have to try this out :)

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