Happy Fall Porch Party

I recently partnered with Collective Bias, Inc. and Extra Gum for a fabulous fall porch party! All opinions are my own. Enjoy the party inspiration + free printable too! Happy Fall Y’all!

Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!

We are in my favorite season – fall y’all! The weather is cool and crisp and it’s no longer oppressive to host an outdoor party. A porch party to be exact! Down south, porches are the communal gathering space and the perfect spot for a fall-themed dinner party with friends. A couple of weekends ago, I invited a few friends from college and their families over for a fall gathering, food, and games. We had an absolute blast and everyone loved all the party details. Plus, I incorporated Extra Gum in a cute favor idea and I’m sharing the printable gift tag below! YAY!

Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable! Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable! Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!

For the tablescape, it’s really quite simple yet completely fitting for a fall porch party. Here are a few of my tips if you want to host your own fall porch party!

  • Burlap! Not only is burlap inexpensive, it makes a great table covering for fall parties!
  • Guess what? You can absolutely mix paper and real dishes. I used a polka dot white dish for dinner and a fun copper polka dot paper plate for dessert! The kids used the paper plates for their dinner too. They added a pop of fun to the table and made clean-up a breeze.
  • Cute napkins are a must. Real cloth napkins in deep red were fitting for dinner but striped “Happy Fall Y’all” cocktail napkins were perfect for the kids and cocktails.
  • Decor was simple, use what is in season! Harvest pumpkins and apples set about on cake stands with a few fall leaves and it was done.
  • My brother recently made me a wood serving tray. He was having trees cut down in his front yard and saved a ring of the trunk. He turned it into a fabulous serving tray that I used for drinks (see above)! The wood was fitting for the rustic fall theme.

Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!

Now on to my favorite part of the party! Favor boxes! A little backstory: When I was in college, my sorority sister always used to pass out little “happies” for good grades, etc. I always LOVED that phrase instead of say “treat, goodie, etc”. So therefore, I’m adopting it as my new fave. Instead of “favors”, guests got a little extra happy. I loved partnering with Extra Gum for this party because it made creating these happy boxes a breeze!  It’s a simple little way to thank each guest for coming and send them home with a few of your favorite fall finds. Each happy contained lots of fall favorites:

  • Extra Gum – I chose cinnamon roll flavor! Yum!
  • Salted Caramel Votives
  • Mini Pumpkin Muffins in cute striped containers
  • Mini bags of harvest trail mix with a cute bow
  • Cinnamon sticks

Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!Pumpkin Bowling! Host a fall porch party! Pizzazzerie.com for tips, ideas, and free printable!Host a Fall Porch Party

After dinner, we headed to a local park for some fun and games (pumpkin bowling anyone?) and bonfire time! Everyone had so much fun. The favor boxes were definitely the hit of the party. I’m sharing the printable tag I made for the favor boxes because I just love y’all so! Just print and use some ribbon to tie onto bags, boxes, etc!


I hope you’re inspired to throw a fall porch party! No porch? No problem. Just grab a table and chairs and enjoy the backyard or balcony. It’s about enjoying time with family and friends during this beautiful season! Follow along with Extra Gum on Pinterest, Twitter, + Facebook for more fun ideas! #ExtraGumMoments #CollectiveBias

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Courtney’s Latest book

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In The Southern Entertainer’s Cookbook, Courtney Whitmore shares her party go-tos, over 75 delicious crowd-pleasing recipes. Featured as a must-have cookbook in Southern Living Magazine.


  1. love this!! creative and adorable!!

  2. ps where did you purchase the favor boxes?

    1. JoAnn Crafts!! This season too so go check and see if they still have them!

  3. Dawn Jenkins says:

    Where are the brown polka dot plates from?

    1. Hi Dawn! Target! :) I love anything budget!

      1. Dawn Jenkins says:

        Thanks Courtney! Do you know what section? Was it the party section? Or the dollar section? Just don’t want to miss them..I can get lost in all the good finds in that place!!

  4. That’s it, your brother needs to make me a wooden serving tray ASAP. #soserious
    Super cute porch party!!! I wish I lived in your neighborhood!

  5. What a party! That cinnamon roll flavor gum looks great!:) Yum! Your guests look like they had a great time;) #client

  6. What a fun post! It looks like your guests had an awesome time…thank you for sharing! #client

  7. Judy Dofflemyer says:

    I just love your party planning ideas! But do you do all the prep and work yourself or does your mother also help?

    Loving Pizzazzerie and Nashville!


    1. Courtney Whitmore says:

      Hi Judy! Sometimes I do it and sometimes my mom helps :)

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