“But First, Champagne.” Art Print Freebie

FREE ART PRINT, "but first, champagne" 8x10, pizzazzerie.comBUT FIRST CHAMPAGNE! I love creating simple typography prints to decorate an office, kitchen space, dorm room, etc. Did you catch this one last week? I also happen to love champagne so this one was a match made in heaven! Not only are art prints great for framing around the house but also for decorating bar carts and party tables. You can even size them down to use as a gift tags around a bottle of bubbly! If you use it, send me a pic! You can tag me on Instagram @pizzazzerie!

but first, champagne. Free printable download. Pizzazzerie.comDOWNLOAD 8X10 “BUT FIRST CHAMPAGNE” PRINT HERE 

Speaking of bubbly, why not have a full-on champagne themed soiree? Serve up these champagne cupcakes (they’re actually really easy to make)! Serve them at a Champagne & Cheese Party! We like our bubbly around here! I’ve been meaning to share tips on a flavored champagne bar so stay tuned for that. And we have some fabulous cocktails using sparkling wine coming up next month!

Bubbly Champagne Cupcakes for New Year's Eve! pizzazzerie.comTips for a Champagne & Cheese Party! from Pizzazzerie.com

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  1. This is going to get framed & go to a friend in just a few weeks when she has her second baby. She LOVES champagne & this will be a perfect treat (with a bottle of bubbly, of course!) after her delivery!

    1. I LOVE THIS!!! What a neat idea!! You have to snap a photo once it’s framed!! :) Tag me!! Or email it.. or something!

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